One thing they all have in common however is that they need a permanent secure environment in which to live out their days. We try to offer that with outside and inside aviary accommodation. Our inside quarters are heated should the temperature drop during the cold months of the year and we offer the cockatoos space to fly, many of which have never had that opportunity previously having spent decades even in a cage environment. We provide a good varied diet and enrichment with branches to chew and ropes and fresh bamboo. The inside quarters have toys and food, lighting and heating (as above). All the cockatoos remain here for their respective lives we do not rehome or foster out these birds which have already experienced a difficult time. We do not receive any government funding and we rely on public generosity to enable our charity to continue taking in these birds and providing them with the best life we possibly can. Please see all the ways you can donate and help the cockatoos. Thank you.

We are a registered charity with the Charities Commission registration number 1146051.
All the cockatoos here taken in by the charity are special needs in their own way. Some are feather plucked in certain degrees, some are extremely noisy and that being the main reason they have been given to the Sanctuary. Some are disabled in various ways, some are aggressive in their own way with behavioural problems, almost like children who have not ever had the benefit of a good upbringing. Some are simply elderly or very old and have been passed to us either because they are no longer wanted or through family bereavements.